Monday, June 20, 2011

Green Lantern Movie review (SPOILER WARNING)


 Now let me start out by saying I am a huge fan of the Green Lantern comics and this review is strictly an opinion, now lets get to what I think. This film is one that had lots of potential from the offset as we have not seen a space epic this big since the last Star Trek movie. That being said this film fails to produce the imagination and story-telling standards that both Star Wars and Star Trek has set. So many plot threads were left dangling in this film, from the tense relationship between Hal Jordan and his brother, to the almost non existent relationship between Hal and the other Corps members. Another mistake this film made was it did not give you the pay off that they had been promoting. Yes they showed you the Green Lantern world of Oa, and yes you got to see thousands of aliens on screen. But what we did not get to see were those thousands of  Corps members fighting. Another major problem this movie had was its villains. The first villain Hector Hammond was almost comical, you just would not believe that he was a big enough threat. As for Parrallax the big bad villain of the movie there was some sense of danger, but that was all taken away when all it took was one Green Lantern to finish him off. Now there were many reasons why this movie failed and in my opinion there were more than what had it succeed. But this film all in all definitely had it`s moments. When it was announced that Ryan Reynolds was set to play the lead off this film I have to admit I started questioning its before I even saw any screen shots, trailer, or anything. But as it was Ryan Reynolds performance was one of the positives in this film. In my opinion he brought some life to a movie that was almost dull, and he also had great chemistry with his on screen partner Blake Lively. Another highlight was Mark Strong`s character Sinestro the film set him up well to be the Lantern who would do anything to succeed, but as it was there was all too little of him. Instead of the great warrior and leader the comics portray him to be the movie just has him giving motivational speeches. Good speeches but all about a threat that they were not going to face anyway. The CGI in this film had its moments, the Green Lantern costume looked good on one hand but the constructs the ring produced were clunky at best, and I would normally not promote 3-D but in this films case I`d say 3-D helped more than it hindered. Now all that being said did I enjoy the movie yes I sort of did. It definitely is no Dark Knight when it comes to comic book movies, and it`s way closer to being like Iron Man 2 than the original Iron Man but the movie was still good enough for me wanting a sequel. In my opinion most people ages 16 and above should go in to this film just wanting to have fun as this movie almost has no depth in quality to it. But I do believe that most children ages 6-15 will absolutely eat this film up. Now to conclude this movie is a failure is would be wrong of me, as the whole point of a movie is to give people a form of escapism and in that Green Lantern succeeded. But to say that Green Lantern is the success that Warner Bros. and DC Comics wanted it to be would be a lie. Now all in all I would give the movie a 6/10 as it left me wanting more, more fighting, more character moments and more payoffs. But I would still say go out and watch it, if you have a kid they would definitely enjoy it, and if they do make a sequel I would probably watch it. That being said "probably" is not "definitely".

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